
NATEDE: the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier

Created by Clairy - Laboratori Fabrici

NATEDE is your brand new incredible Smart and Natural Air Purifier. It will also be the most beautiful design object you will ever have for your home or office.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

You might think we’re crazy
over 3 years ago – Thu, May 13, 2021 at 08:58:17 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

A Touch of Freshness you were asking for!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 05:44:42 PM

Hello wonderful backers,  
we have some good news to share with you after this intense period which has kept us very busy, but which has been absolutely fruitful and exciting!

The Natede app changes its name. Let us introduce you to Vitesy Hub. Thanks to the new Vitesy Hub app, you can control and manage all your Vitesy's products: Natede, and soon our first Natural Air Purifier and Eteria too.

In addition to the new name, we also changed the looks of the app! What do you think? We love it!

Download the iOS app

Download the Android app

Working hard to improve everything

There’s more! We worked very hard and, thanks to your feedback, we solved many connectivity bugs in order to improve your experience with Natede and making it much easier and smarter.

These days, we released a new iOS and Android update, where we introduced a diagnostic system that helps us to understand why your connection is not working in the right way. So, we will be able to give you better feedback. This will be helpful in configuring what’s going on with the connection in order to restore connectivity as soon as possible.

Thanks to your support and your feedback we have noticed that some Internet Service Providers are blocking the port that devices use to communicate with our server. It shouldn't happen since it’s a known port used by other products. For this reason, we started to work on a firmware update to use another port. This will take some time since it is a complex migration but it will solve every issue related to limits given by Internet Service Providers.


In the last period, our IT department has started the test phase in a laboratory to calibrate the sensors. So, from the next firmware update, you will see the right temperature!

For this reason, we have done - and still doing - many tests with our partners. These tests gave us positive results and, together with the new app, will be able to fix the bug you encountered in the data collection.

Do you want to play?

We fight against indoor air pollution every day with our products. But this time we want to do it online too. How? With the new Vitesy game! Defeat the enemies with Eteria. Be the top player to have special deals and cool surprises!



Thank you!

All of these great changes were possible thanks to all of you guys. We cannot imagine better backers than you. Your support and love for Vitesy has been and still is, unbelievable.

We’re really excited about the launch of our new product, Eteria. The Kickstarter campaign is going so well! And we are super happy to see that many of you have already pre-ordered it and are getting ready to have a beautiful ecosystem of Vitesy products that will take care of your air and of the ones you love.

Stay connected with us for more info and news!

Have a wonderful day,
Vitesy Team

Meet Eteria, the little brother
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 02:19:13 AM

Hello lovely backers!

During the last 2 years, since the launch of Natede, we worked incredibly hard. We improved our product, changed directions, worked on the app, and the self-watering system, released many updates. No one could stop us - and we always had you on our side, you rock! And while our manufacturers were having delays, we didn’t stop and continued innovating and started working on new projects - startups have to do this if they want to change the world, especially when the mission is to change the air purifying industry and solve indoor pollution in a more sustainable way.

Our new baby is called Eteria and we are sure you will love it. It’s a compact, portable and personal air purifier. It’s made of 2 different parts: the purifying unit and the monitoring module that is composed by an air purifier and many small monitoring stations that can be placed all around the house.


Do you know when you have received good news or have just achieved something incredible? What do you want to do? Share it with your family, your best friends, and that's what we are doing with you! The launch of Eteria on Kickstarter is an event that fills us with joy and we want to share it with the people we care about most, our backers.

Being backers is much more than just being an e-commerce customer.

Often some do not know the platform and do not understand the bond it creates. You become part of our adventure, we share joys and sorrows, and we create a unique relationship. We are extremely grateful for this and you have always supported us in such wonderful ways.

Eteria is the perfect small and compact addition to the Vitesy family.

And it will be perfect for keeping company to the “big brother” Natede. As you well know, we are working on an important update of the app which - we will reveal in preview - will be called Vitesy Hub. This new app will not only improve communication with Vitesy products, but you can monitor them all thanks to a single app!

Nature, Filterless technologies, and sustainability are always the core of our mission - Eteria features a new filtration process that uses the latest nanomaterials to purify your air and mimic what plants do - check it out.

Eteria is the perfect companion for Natede. Because it is light, portable. Perfect for the office and also for the children's room. And thanks to the monitoring modules you can control every corner of your home.


We can't wait to see you have you on board! Thank you for your constant support and love.

Vitesy Team

All together, we did!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 07:06:07 PM

Hello wonderful backers,

we are thrilled to announce that we finally shipped all the Natede! What an adventure!

Important note: The final shipment has just left our warehouse. All the remaining Natede are now handled by our shipping partners, it should be really quick but there might be an extra couple of days of handling and shipping due to the high volumes. So just check your inbox this week, it’s a matter of days now.

If you don’t receive a tracking number by the end of this week/max next Monday please send an email to [email protected] with your Backer Email and some details so that we will make sure that our partners have done everything. We want everything to be perfect but with successful campaigns with lots of great backers, it can happen.

Natede is coming! This trip was truly incredible for us. We will never stop thanking you enough for your support, love, and patience towards us! You were the first to believe in us and this fantastic product.

Paolo Ganis, Vitesy CEO, wanted to send you a video from all the Vitesy Team.

In this last period we have had to face many challenges, and some delays too. We apologize again for this. But you have always been close to us. You know how a startup works, we work day and night to be able to continuously improve our product.

We are a force of nature, we started from a simple idea on paper and with all the strength and teamwork we came to the conclusion.

This is the beginning of Natede

But this is not the end of Natede. No, this is just the beginning! As you well know we are continuing to work on the product. We have improved the self-watering system and the app. We just released a new update that fixed some bugs. We are working with our partners on a major new firmware update that will improve not only the connection but also the data reading!

Thanks to your feedback, we were able to work on the app, improve it, and add new features. We also bought some routers which can cause some interference for the correct connection with the Natede. We will keep you updated!

Stay tuned

Maybe our crowdfunding adventure isn't over. Stay tuned because in a week we have something important to announce to you.

Have a wonderful day!

Vitesy Team

We’re back
about 4 years ago – Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 01:56:14 AM

Hello backers!

have you had a chance for some good vacations? Very little holidays for us, many things to do and lots of excitement for September!. We are ready for new projects, new adventures, and new goals. September is like a new year. We want a fresh start. But before a new beginning, we must conclude the previous chapters.

Your Natede is coming

By the end of September, you will all receive your Natede! Our partners are back to work to assemble all the Natede and in September we will start to ship all the remaining orders.

You will receive a tracking number when we will ship your order so check your inbox.

Our crowdfunding adventure is coming to the end... or not? Yes, we will conclude the shipping of all the Natede but we have big news coming for you. September will be a crazy month for us and we are thrilled to show what we have in mind. Stay tuned for the next update!

Share your Natede with us

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and share a picture of your Natede and tag us. We are curious to see your natural and smart air purifier in your house or office.

Have a fresh day!

Vitesy Team