
NATEDE: the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier

Created by Clairy - Laboratori Fabrici

NATEDE is your brand new incredible Smart and Natural Air Purifier. It will also be the most beautiful design object you will ever have for your home or office.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Together we can do it
over 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 03:03:18 AM

Dear backers,

today we want to share with you an important update. Italy and many other countries are facing a very difficult period.

As you well know, we are from Italy and at the moment our country is working very hard to limit the spread of the virus and to avoid the increase in infections. All of Italy has been declared a red zone and we don’t have the possibility, except with special permits, to move from one area to another.

Precisely for this reason, the Vitesy team has decided to stay at home. All our team is smart-working. Just a computer, an internet connection, and many calls to not give up and continue to provide you the best service. Aisha, our Community Manager, is here to reply to all your questions!

Even if the moment is difficult, we don’t lose our good mood. In fact, from the first day of smart-working, we organized an aperitif via call! We continue to do the same things as before: we work remotely and we chat over a good glass of wine 😉


Our warehouse is open and we are continuing to ship, unfortunately, we have slowed down but we are working hard to not interrupt anything. We are super happy to inform you that we shipped all the single orders with white Natede! Now we are waiting for the colored ones to come to our warehouse. We can't wait to get back to full speed, stronger than before!

It's a particular period as a company, but also for individual team members. We are proud of how the whole Italian country is facing this terrible situation and doing its part not to let the virus spread all over the world.  We remain positive and confident. We ask you to be close to us, to support us and understand the difficult situation we are experiencing.

Have a lovely day,

Vitesy Team

Nothing can stop us
over 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 03:43:36 PM

Hi wonderful backers!

Taking into account the current situation, especially in northern Italy, from where we ship, we inform you that shipments may be slowed. Unfortunately, some of our partners are closed and we can’t receive anything from them. But we don’t give up and we continue to produce and ship despite the fact that we are not at full capacity. The situation is really tough because of this global problem, please stay with us - we are working as hard as possible!

We are happy to inform you that we are completing the shipping of the white Natede. We shipped most of the orders in February and by the end of the first weeks of March we will complete all the white orders. We are curious to see your Natede so don’t forget to share a photo on Instagram and tag us.


The current situation in Italy is, unfortunately, slowing down our work, we still continue to produce and assemble your Natede.

To speed up the production of the blue Natede as well (which has started) we decided to assemble all the tech units in advance, so when the blue are ready they will be shipped to our warehouse and assembled.

As we said in the previous update, the production of the colored Natede takes more time than the white one because they need to clean the machine from a color to another one and it takes a few days. Given the latest updates, we will start to ship the blue Natede from the second half of March.

We will start the production of the azalea after the blue are all ready. We can’t produce more than one color so we need to produce all the Natede with one color. Then, clean the machine, and start again with another color. After the production of the azalea, we will start the Premium colors.

We support sustainable projects: Albicchiere

Meet Albicchiere the all-in-one solution that allows you to drink your wine at the perfect temperature and preserves it for up to 8x longer than other devices. What we love about Albicchiere is that they created a BPA Free packaging reducing by 40% the carbon footprint and by 90% the weight of the container compared with glass bottles.

Get yours now!

Have a wonderful day,

Vitesy Team

We are back
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 06:14:35 PM


2020 is finally here. This year has been incredible for us. It was very hard but we are incredibly happy for the wonderful opportunity we had. As you well know our goal was to ship all Natede in 2019, unfortunately, we had some delay caused by many factors that we couldn’t foresee. Now a new year is here and we are ready to complete all the shipping!

We are currently shipping the last batch of white Natede. So, check on BackerKit if your shipping address is correct. We are happy to say that in mid-February we will complete to ship the orders with only white Natede, both Regular and Plus.

Colors are finally here!

Next week we will start the production of the Blue and Azalea Natede. They will be ready in a few weeks. We will start with the Blue one because we have more orders. The production will take approximately 2 weeks. After that, we can ship the Blue Natede and then start with the other colors. As we said in our previous updates, the production of the colored Natede isn’t easy because they need to clean the machine from one color to another. This process usually takes 1 to 2 days. But everything is ready now and we are working hard to complete all the Kickstarter orders.

Italian app and American temperature

We have an important update for the Natede app. Next week we will release the Italian version of the app. So now our backers can read the air quality in Italian! Moreover, we will add the Fahrenheit temperature for our US backers. Stay tuned for more updates and bug fixes. If you have an issue with your app email us at [email protected]. We will be happy to help you.

Back on social media

We are incredibly happy to announce that we are officially back on social media, especially on Instagram! We are ready to show you new photos of Natede, talk about Vitesy, share positive and green tips with you. Follow us on social media and don’t forget to share a photo of your Natede.

Have a great day,

Vitesy Team

Natede White Is Coming To Town
over 4 years ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 06:05:01 PM

Hello wonderful backers!

Another year is coming to an end. We are super happy to inform you that we shipped most of the white Natede 🎉 both the Regular and the Plus ones (with CO2). Remember that this is the busiest month for shipping. This was our last day of shipping because our warehouse, as always, will close during the holidays. We will be back in January, we will complete to ship the white ones.

Look! Our warehouse is full of Natede ready to take off! We can’t wait to have your feedback.

All Shades of Natede

Regarding the other colors (Azalea and Blue for the Regular and Girasole, Black, and Sand for the Premium) we will start production in January. We will give you an update when our partners will be open again, after the holidays.

A Green App Update

Recently we published a new Natede app update! We fixed most of the bugs thanks to your help and your feedback. We also added a new feature. Now you can choose the best plant for your home. How? With a simple quiz!

Holiday Greetings

First of all we want to thank you so much for your incredible support. We are very lucky to have you as a backer. We want to wish you a happy holiday from all the team! We will be back in January with new wonderful projects! We will do our best to reply to all of your comments and emails next week, but we will be back to give you the best support from the 2nd of January.

Happy holidays!

Vitesy Team

Natede Blue In The Office
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 10:41:28 PM

Hello backers!

This year has been very challenging for us. We faced some difficulties, but we also had great opportunities. This is only thanks to you and your support.

Another month is gone and we are shipping the white Natede all over the world. We started to ship the regular Natede, the Home & Office and then the orders with the stand. If you haven’t received your white Natede don’t worry, this week we will start to ship another batch!

Check your shipping address on BackerKit

We are shipping all the white Natede, so as some of you moved in the past months, we kindly ask you to check your address on BackerKit. If you lost the survey enter your email here to receive another survey link.

If you need to change your address email us at [email protected] so we can manually change your shipping address.

Also, some of you changed the Kickstarter email, but didn’t update it on BackerKit. When we will ship your order you will receive an automatic email with a tracking number and also an email from us with the quick guide and the setup video! To make sure to receive it, let us know the best email to use so we can update your account. Thank you!

Azalea and Blue Natede

As we said in our last update we started the production of the Natede Azalea and Blue. We haven’t received the products in our warehouse yet because we need to complete the shipping of the white Natede. Last time we showed you the Natede Azalea and this time we can finally show you the Blue version. What do you think?

The production of Natede Azalea and Blue is taking more time than the white ones because they are the most difficult colors to create. We did a lot of testing and found some problems during production that we promptly solved. Since we use recycled materials, achieving aesthetics and good printability is not easy.Moreover, we use a completely different method: we have to mix more colors together to get the perfect one and often, as we told you in the last update, it can create some delay. We want everything to be perfect.

Do you want to receive it sooner? You can change your order to a white one so you can receive it in a few weeks. We changed many orders, so please be patient. If we are currently shipping a batch your white order will be shipped in the next one according to your country.

Natede Premium

The Natede Plus (white with the CO2 sensor) are ready too and we will start to ship them soon. We haven’t started yet because we decided to test them well so we can give you the best product. For the Natede Premium (Girasole, Sand, Black) we need to wait a little bit more because we need to complete the production of the Azalea and Blue Natede.

Moreover, we are still collecting replies to the survey. So if you haven’t selected your reward DM us so we can send you the survey.

Thank you very much for your support.

Vitesy Team