
NATEDE: the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier

Created by Clairy - Laboratori Fabrici

NATEDE is your brand new incredible Smart and Natural Air Purifier. It will also be the most beautiful design object you will ever have for your home or office.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Journey Continues, Come with Us!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 11:49:15 AM

We're live on Indiegogo! 

Dear all,

If you missed our Kickstarter campaign we are excited to announce that thanks to the incredible success of this campaign we have moved to Indiegogo so you can now pre-order NATEDE on Indiegogo.


Please help us spread the news on Facebook and Twitter!

We really appreciate your support. We can’t do this without you!

Clairy Team

A Gift For You
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 07:13:27 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thank you!!!!! We did it!!!
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 02, 2018 at 12:58:17 AM


Thank you for joining our green revolution with NATEDE

45 days and €765,265 later, we’ve successfully completed our NATEDE Kickstarter campaign. We are immensely grateful for the amount of support we have received from each and every one of you. This could never happen without you. Thank you from each of us at Clairy!

You're amazing! You didn't just buy the most amazing natural air purifier, you become part of our journey, our green revolution. You decided to make your home and your office a better place. Improving your indoor air quality with NATEDE will inspire others to make the world a healthier place.

Also, with the over 5 thousands NATEDE you pre-ordered, you have allowed us to donate over 50,000 trees to the Eden Projects! We’re not done yet! What to expect next?

As we receive all details about your pre-orders from Kickstarter in the next couple of weeks, we will send you a survey so that you can choose the color of your NATEDE and your Clairy. If you missed out on snagging a NATEDE for yourself, we’ve got some great news for you. We are moving soon to Indiegogo’s InDemand platform! Indiegogo, for those who are not familiar, is another platform that will allow you pre-orders of NATEDE. We will keep you posted on this. What we will do next

From now on, and thanks to your support, we will work on developing the NATEDE product to make it the best Air Purifier based on the power of Nature. We will choose the best materials and technology providers to ensure the highest standards to stay green and respectful of our environment, and we will develop our mobile app and software to ensure you the best possible user experience.

We are committed to empower you to take control of the air you breathe while staying green: as we deserve to breathe fresh air, our planet does too!

Thank you so much for your support, love and interest in our project. We can't wait to share our new journey with you.

The Clairy Team: Paolo, Vincenzo, Alessio, Aisha, Michela, Rossana, Sebastiano, Marco, Davide, Saeid, Valeria, Cinzia, Andrea, Georgia, Francesco, Stephen, Micaela and Igor.

Start your weekend with a BANG!
over 6 years ago – Sat, May 26, 2018 at 02:03:35 AM

Dear Backers,

As we are entering the last few days of our successful Kickstarter campaign, what a better excuse for a new flash sale?

You have time until Sunday May 27th at 11:59pm Pacific Time to get 1 NATEDE + 1 Clairy for only €299 (about $350).

Why should you take advantage of this offer NOW?

  • Because it's an incredible deal: you will save €249 / $292 on the retail price. 
  • Because the best part of this deal is that you will receive your Clairy next week, as we will ship it to you at the end of the Kickstarter campaign!
  • Because it's a unique offer and you only have this weekend to get it! Do you need more excuses? Start breathing clean and fresh air immediately, while waiting for your NATEDE! 

What's Clairy?

Clairy is the name of our company but also the name of our first air purifier, that we launched on Kickstarter 2 years ago. 

The first natural air purifier that produces new clean air combining Design, Nature and Technology. Furthermore, Elle Decor has compared Clairy to the Brionvega design. We couldn't be more proud!

What makes Clairy so special is that is handcrafted in Italy by the best Italian ceramic artisans. Don't miss this offer, Clairy is ready to be shipped!


We will never thank you enough for your wonderful support!

Clairy Team

Flash Dance Sale and New Stretch Goal!
over 6 years ago – Fri, May 18, 2018 at 02:17:40 PM

Dear Backers,

Are you ready for the best deal ever on NATEDE? We hope so. You’ll need to act fast, as we’re only offering 1 NATEDE Regular + 1 NATEDE Premium for €342 until this Sunday at 11:59pm Pacific Time only. That’s a saving of 51% from the retail price.

 Time is ticking, so HURRY UP! Don't miss this flash sale!

But this is not all the BIG NEWS for today! We are now ready for a new STRETCH GOAL: NATEDE POP! 

As we hit €650,000 in funding we will unlock two brand new pop colors for your NATEDE:  

-Azalea, available for NATEDE Regular 

-Girasole, available for NATEDE Premium.

Add a fresh and pop color to your house with our second stretch goal!

 If you want take advantage of this incredible stretch goal share the campaign with your friends, family and colleagues. This will help us to reach the goal faster:

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Thank you again for your support!

The Clairy team