
NATEDE: the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier

Created by Clairy - Laboratori Fabrici

NATEDE is your brand new incredible Smart and Natural Air Purifier. It will also be the most beautiful design object you will ever have for your home or office.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two thousand and Natede
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 05:51:41 PM

Dear Backers,

Happy New Year! We hope you are doing well. The production of Natede is going really well. Everything is on schedule and the next 4 weeks will be essential for us to give you the exact dates of shipping. In the meantime, we can confirm that we will start to ship in March 2019.

The electronics and the sensors have been ordered and everything follows the timeline. We didn’t expect the global delay of the electronics, but this issue didn’t stop us! We started the design and molds of the ceramic of the Natede Premium that will be completed between January and February.

Testing is an essential part of our work because we want to give you not only a good product, but also a complete experience that will improve your daily life. Here you can see us testing Natede’s prototype for quick and easy set-up of the self-watering system. We collected all the feedback from the first product, Clairy, because we believe that listening to our customers is the best choice to reach the excellence. 

That’s why we improved the self-watering: now it contains 1L of water, and we also developed a new innovative tank that you can easily remove to clean it.

We are simulating Natede’s unboxing in order to give you the simplest instruction. The set-up should be an easy and fun part, not a difficult one!

A little reminder

Some of you never replied to the survey. If you want to receive your Natede you need to fill out the BackerKit survey. You are still in time to choose your favorite color. Maybe you missed the email, check your spam inbox or search “BackerKit” or “Natede”. If you can’t find it, email us at [email protected].

More than an air purifier

We started this 2019 like three years ago at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas. It was such an emotion for us to be where everything started. After Clairy, it was time for Natede to amaze people at CES 2019. A new product, a new team. It was crazy! 🔥

Here you can see the co-founders Vincenzo Vitiello, Paolo Ganis, and Alessio D’Andrea at our stand. They had an incredible time.

One of the best parts of this CES adventure is that we had the chance to meet you! Meeting our backers in real life is always special for us. We are working so hard every single day with the production, the app, the design, and much more. But we never forget that this is possible only thanks to YOU. To your support, love, and positive feedback we receive.

It fills us with joy to see the wonder in your eyes when you saw Natede and how it works for the first time.

This year will be fantastic, stay tuned.


Clairy Team

What happens in Vegas, stays in Clairy!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 08:50:57 PM

Dear Backers,

first of all, we want to wish you happy holidays! We hope that you will spend a wonderful time with your loved ones. We are working super hard before a little break. This year has been incredible!

Behind the app

Today we want to share an important part of Natede: the app. With the new Natede mobile app you will be able to see the air quality in your home, but there’s much more!

After the feedback on our previous app, we decided to give you more information about the pollutants and the VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in your room. With our app, you can monitor indoor air and see a detailed breakdown of the toxic agents in your environment.

The Natede app is available for iOS and Android and with Bluetooth, the first connection will be super easy.

As you can see here, our app developer Sebastiano is developing the new Natede’s features:

  • real-time data from high-quality sensors. You will monitor not only humidity, temperature, and VOCs but also PM 2.5, CO and CO2 for the Natede Premium;
  • push notification every time the sensor will record a dangerous value;
  • based on the data collected, our system will be able to give you smart suggestions to improve the quality of the air in your environment and your well-being.

It's all about 3D

After the first sketch of Natede on paper, we worked on renders. Here you can see our design engineer Saeid with some renders of the Premium version. This helped us to understand how to use the materials, what’s the perfect shape for the inner components, where to place the photocatalytic filter, and the self-watering system.

One of the first steps before the prototype is the 3D model. Saeid is in our lab where the 3D models of Natede are printed.

Let’s have a look to the behind the scenes where you can see how this smart and natural air purifier is made. Thanks to the 3D models we can have a real product to test and improve the design, the dimensions, and the engineering tolerance. We also made the 3D stamps for the ceramists, so they can understand the type of stamp to recreate in full size. Can you see the little model on Saeid’s desk?

Back to the origins

From 8th to 11th January we will be in Las Vegas for the CES! We started its journey here in 2016 with our first product, Clairy, and we are so excited to go back to where everything started. You are the first one that believed in our projects. We will be honored to chat with you about Natede! You will have the opportunity to see the product in real life and see how it works. Are you curious?

You will find our founders Alessio D’Andrea, Paolo Ganis and Vincenzo Vitiello at booth #44867 in the Smart Home Area! See you there 😉

Happy Holidays!

Clairy Team

A New Life - A New Dimension
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 11:14:44 PM

Dear Backers,

how are you? We’re doing great and we couldn’t be happier about it and today we have a special update for you.

Even if there is a delay with the electronics as we told you in the latest update, we never give up and we are still fighting against dragons to gain as much time as we can! Next week we will start to produce the NATEDE’s stamps.

Green materials

We have done some test with biomaterial, but for now, we decided to put it on standby as it is not able to give us certainties about the standards in terms of excellence, resistance, and durability of the material that we want. Sometimes we prefer to take another way because we want to give you the best product ever!

This is why we are taking into consideration using recycled materials. They have amazing performances in terms of duration and resistance. All the NATEDE components will be of recycled origin. We want to give new life to products, renovating them into something unique.

NATEDE isn’t a simple air purifier. We want to be 100% natural and green. We live in a world that doesn’t care too much about pollution. Trust us, everyone can make a difference as a single person and as a company too. This is why the selection of the material is fundamental for us.

The ceramic is still an important part of our brand, Clairy is handmade by the best Italian ceramists and we want to do the same with the premium version of NATEDE. In December we will have the first NATEDE Premium sample in ceramic and in January we will do some tests with the NATEDE Regular stamps.

The first NATEDE is here 

Here you can see the first NATEDE. So beautiful, isn’t it? We are very proud to share with you the first photos of our idea that thanks to you is becoming reality.

Turn the lights on!

Can you see the photocatalytic filter? The unique NATEDE’s filter doesn’t need any replacement. You just wash it under the water. Super easy!

Like Clairy we created a special design for the bottom of NATEDE. You can enter your power cord in the easiest way and hide it thanks to the holes in the wooden base.

A productive February

February will be an important month as we will start to assemble all the NATEDE units! By the end of the month, we will ship 200 units. As you are the first one that believed in our new fantastic project you have the possibility to be in the first bunch of backers that will receive the NATEDE. How exciting!

Then, we will start with the mass shipping in March and the next months.


Clairy Team

Fighting Against Dragons
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 07:11:05 PM

Dear Backers,

Hope you are having an awesome time, here at Clairy we are working super hard and we postponed this Update as we were waiting for some precise feedback from our Electronics Manufacturer. Unfortunately, our fears regarding the lead time of the electronics came true: it’s a systemic and worldwide issue – there is a huge demand for electronics components and this is delaying all the players in the market and especially small companies like us.

The cruel thing is that, as per our case, we got almost all the components, but some that are vital for the main board were delayed. Consider we bought the components in July 2018 to give you an idea of the situation.

This means that we will have a delay of 1 or 2 months, also the manufacturer can’t give us precise dates but it should be something close to that.

But you know, we never give up! We might have found some of those components by some brokers, it will cost us more, but we might be able to produce at least 200 NATEDE and this will be great because we start shipping and have feedback from you guys and improve things like the firmware and software.

From now on we will give you updates on the lead time of the electronics. I’m sure you all will understand, if want more details on this systemic issue please read this article.

Now let’s continue with some great news about the company

Last month was incredible for us and we couldn’t imagine a better way to start the new season! Our partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects continues and this month we donated over 40,000 trees! This was one of our biggest donations ever, we are so proud of it. This is only thanks to you and your wonderful support during our NATEDE campaigns on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

NATEDE’s electronics

Well, besides the delay in the electronics, we are starting to have our first fully functional prototypes. In this image we are doing the final test of a very important component of the NATEDE, can you guess what it is? Write it in the comments.

We’re working also very hard on the new NATEDE app! You’ll love it and we have incredible super features to share with you soon.

The Italian job

We just spent last week in Milan, and amazing things happened. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte came to visit us in our offices in Milan. We spoke about how everything started and also discussed the importance of healthy indoor air, circular economy, and the problems related to the environment.

Follow us on social media to check the latest updates and if you want to be a part of our journey you can support us and pre-order NATEDE on Indiegogo. You can be one of our wonderful backers that still support us after many years.

Clairy Team

An Electronic September
about 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 07:34:15 PM

Dear Backers, 

How's your September going? For us, it's one of the busiest and craziest months! We started the 3rd of September winning the IFA Berlin NEXT startup pitch contest. It always makes us so proud to win an award; but for us, the most important thing is to share a natural solution that eliminates indoor air pollution and helps the environment.

Back to USA 🇺🇸  

Then, from the 9th to the 15th of September part of our team is at the Startup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley event in San Francisco. It was an incredible emotion to be back where it all started. You can follow us on social media to check the latest updates. If you want to learn more about the SEC2SV event check this interview with Paolo Ganis, CEO at Clairy.

Hi again, Germany 🇩🇪  

Another part of our team was in Berlin for the EIC Innovators' Summit 2018. Here you can see Vincenzo Vitiello and Alessio D'Andrea, CDO and COO at Clairy, with a NATEDE prototype. We had the opportunity to talk about innovation and crowdfunding with the director of the EU Executive Agency for SME's managing.

If you want to be a part of our journey you can support us and pre-order NATEDE on Indiegogo. You can be one of our wonderful backers that still support us after many years.

NATEDE’s electronics

As we promised here you are an update about NATEDE’s developments. Things are going great and we are very happy with our product. We’re are working really hard and today we want to share with you the final version of the electronics of our tech unit.

The market is still very bad and it’s getting worse, fortunately, we ordered all the electronic components in July and we shouldn’t be impacted. We will give you updates on this, we monitor the situation almost every day with our manufacturer.

We’re also proceeding with the tests of the new firmware and sensor. We want to give you the best sensors on the market: NATEDE will monitor not only temperature, humidity, and VOCs, but also CO, PM 2.5 and CO2 for the Premium version.

Thank you for your support.


Clairy Team